Windows Repair ( All In One ) Portable V.2.4.1
Software Untuk memperbaiki fail system yang error pada Windows
Bekerja Pada Windows 8 ,7, Vista dan Xp
First make sure you are running the program from the system itself and not over a network drive/share. For security reasons Windows doesn't allow the system account to import reg files over the network. So make sure to run it locally.
Some repairs need to be ran with others. If you run all repairs then there is no worry.
But some of the repairs work better when combined with others.
Here are a few examples.
Example 1:
Using the "Reset Registry Permissions" with the other repairs can make a very big difference depending on the machine. A lot of viruses will change the permission of some reg keys so a user can not change them back. Or sometimes another program change the permissions or the permissions may have become corrupt.
By running the "Reset Registry Permissions" you are making sure the repairs will be able to do their job as they will have access to those keys. If it doesn't have access because a virus change the permissions of a key then the key wont get changed and the other repairs can fail.
This is also why I have the "Reset Registry Permissions" as the first repair. The "Reset File Permissions" isn't needed as much and as of v1.9.2 is unchecked by default.
Example 2:
When using the "Repair Windows Firewall" you also want to run the "Repair WMI". This is because the windows firewall uses WMI. And also why the "Repair WMI" is before the "Repair Windows Firewall"
Example 3:
While the "Reset File Permissions" isn't needed as much as the others there are times where it will come in use. Say you are running the "Repair Windows Updates" but it doesn't work. Because a virus changed the permissions to the files to keep the user from fixing them. While this rarely happens having the ability to regain access to all the Files on the Windows drive will help a lot.
The program is tested on a fresh install of Windows and all repairs are ran. The goal of the program is that a user should be able to run all the repairs and the system works like normal.
For you techs out there the program also has a silent command. Where you set what repairs you want to run in the settings.ini file and then run the program with the /silent switch. The program will open, run the repairs and then close. Granted you will see the window while it works. Make me wonder why I decided to use the /silent instead of /auto lol.
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Rar Paasword : aukdech